SB Investment Partners | Family Office
welcome to the family
welcome to the family
Our highly individualized approach to investment management gives our clients unmatched flexibility. Some clients seek current high income. Some prefer to maximize capital appreciation. Many seek a balanced approach, and still others are driven to invest by their values and ethical considerations. Unlike many larger firms, trust departments and banks, SB Investment Partners structures individual portfolios and financial planning to address your priorities, risk tolerance, and tax situation.
Our Philosophy is based on our long history of understanding markets, trends and the supporting fundamental criteria. We aim to simplify an increasingly complex world and begin by identifying national and global conditions and events that affect the relative value of financial instruments. Armed with this broad base of information, we craft investment strategies with the clients’ perspectives and goals. Our investment decisions are made with a long-term perspective in mind. We are unwilling to risk our clients’ money on mere speculation. Based upon our long experience and independence with extremely careful analysis, we search out companies and investment vehicles as partners for our clients’ portfolios.
We create highly individualized, custom portfolios or can also introduce you to unique opportunities that speak straight to the heart of the risks facing humanity and the environment today.
A Family Enterprise combines a family’s human, intellectual and monetary capital to create an operational structure that
preserves and grows multi-generational wealth while bringing the family closer together. When conceptualizing one’s
assets as an enterprise, families begin to understand the power their resources can have in shaping their lifestyle, the
personal development of their heirs, and their community at large. When implementing Heritage Design into the family
fabric, you give purpose to your family’s wealth, while passing on your values, life’s lessons, standing in the community,
and ethics on to generations to come.
Unlike traditional wealth management organizations, where advisors are legally obligated to provide advice that is in the
best interest of their employer, a Family Enterprise has employees who work directly for the family. Their obligation is to
provide intelligent advice and offer objective information that enables the family’s decision-makers to make wellinformed
decisions consistent with their best interests. A well-structured Family Enterprise acts in tandem with Heritage
Design as the glue to create lasting, generational wealth, while perpetuating the family name and its unity. Many families
believe the foundation for a multi-generational family dynasty is built not only upon the family’s asset base, but, on the
value of their reputation and family unity.
They also understand that the “family business” is always kept separate and distinct from the “business of the family”.
Many believe that without this separation and without Heritage Design, the “shirtsleeves to shirtsleeves in three
generations” curse will become a reality.
Please review the following service categories for a detailed list of services. Also, if there is an offering you believe to be
important to your family, and you don’t see it listed below, please let us know. It is likely that we will be able to help
your family in this area.